
Vol. 1 Ms. Ashley Fruno

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Vol. 2 ジーン・バウアーさん パート1 / Mr. Gene Baur Part 1
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PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:  動物の倫理的扱いを求める人々の会)
アジア・パシフィック・シニア・キャンペイナー  (Asia-Pacific Senior Campaigner)

アシュレー・フルーノさん / Ms. Ashley Fruno 

活動家。裸の抗議で毛皮反対、全身に色彩を塗り動物園をボイコット、 血まみれの動物になって


NAKED THAN WEAR FUR (毛皮を着るのならば裸になる方が良いわ)” の大きなサインを手に



わ。』  その後16才の時に<ミート・ユア・ミート(Meet Your Meat)>を観て、牛乳を飲むことが
子牛の産業を支えることになると知り、直ちにヴィーガンになった。高校在学中は地元の SPCA
たわ。学校でロデオ・デー があると、みんながホットドッグのバーベキューをしている駐車場で、
私はデモを行っていたものよ。』 大学に入学するまでの数ヶ月間、PETA US (People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals:  動物の倫理的扱いを求める人々の会)でインターンを務め、在学中も夏休みと
いうと毎年PETA でインターンを続けた。『だから、PETA からアジア・パシフィックでのポジション

aya sugimoto finalアジアで動物保護が語られ始めたのはつい最近
『2003年に PETA アジア・パシフィックが設立された当初は、
だった。』 しかし5年の歳月と数々のキャンペーンを経て、

日本でも昨年、杉本彩さんがPETA とのプロジェクトで毛皮
だったの。 アヤの毛皮反対の広告は“動物を苦しませなくても
メディアの注目を浴びたし、大成功だったわ。』 世界中の新聞、テレビ、インターネットなど
はちゃんと伝わったと思う。』 この毛皮反対のキャンペーンは、オリンピックの水泳ゴールド・

ステラ・マッカートニー、H & M、カルバン・クラインなど毛皮の使用を中止
中国が最大の生産国である。 例えば、日本でも人気が高いウサギの毛皮。最近 PETA が調査を
おこなった中国のウサギ毛皮農場について、アシュレーさんが語ってくれた。『 ウサギ達は汚物

ターナティブでアニマル・フレンドリーなファッションも増えているし。』 ステラ・マッカート

burberry champion for anima


PETA は、中国の動物保護グループと共同で犬猫の毛皮反対キャンペーンも行っている。『私たちは
世界中のグラスルーツの動物保護団体やキャンペイナーと協力し合って活動をしてます。』 畜産、


fur seminar fashion week hong kongシニア・キャンペイナーとして、アシュレーさんの覚悟の
携帯電話のシグナルまで探知されたかと思うと、YMCA のお


てもどんな言語を話していても、 私たちの日々のシンプルな変化が、動物たちにとってどれほど

lettus ladies demo guangzhou sept 25 2008 8

各地で好評の “レタス・レディー” 。その名の通り、レタスをまとってベジタリアニズムを提唱

PETA のキャンペーンはクリエイティブで画期的なことでも知られている。『次は恒例の“レタス・


*こちらは最近アシュレーさんがマニラで行った動物園ボイコットの呼びかけです。 (Courtesy of AFPBB News)

(写真提供:PETA Asia-Pacific)
インタビュー: 渡邊こずえ/水口政美  (CFT)
テキスト&訳文責: 渡邊こずえ (CFT)


<PETA ウェブサイト/関連サイト>
* 残酷な映像や写真が含まれているものもございますので、心臓の弱いかた、お子様はご覧になる際にご注意下さい。
PETA :  http://www.peta.org/
PETA Asia-Pacific:  http://www.petaasiapacific.com/
PETA Asia-Pacific Active Network: アジア地域のニュースレター/登録をすると住んでいる地域の
PETA の毛皮反対に関するサイト:  http://furisdead.org/
PETA のベジタリアン・サイト:  http://www.goveg.com

"Do people you care about still wear fur? (あなたが大切な人はまだ毛皮を着ていますか?)"
http://www.peta.org/feat/stellavid/index.html  日本語和訳文はこちら

ファッション・ビクティムズ(Narrated by Tim Gunn)
Fashion Victims   http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/tim_gunn

以下の映像では、最初のビデオ "Stolen for Fashion" が終了し、"All in the Name of Fashion" という

"Stolen for Fashion"—Learn More at PETA.org.


(Courtesy of PETA)

イギリスのコメディアン 、リッキー・ガーバイス とミュージシャンのピンク。

ワニ: もしもし、あの、そこの方。失礼ですけど、それたぶん私のだと思います。そうだわ・・・それ、私のです。
女性:    ちょっと !!  私はこれにすごいお金を払ったのよ。
ワニ:    でも、私は実際のところ、もっともっとそのために支払ったのですよ。
ウサギ: あれ? あっ!!  ちょっと待て。それは俺のコートだ! 返せ! 返せ! 俺のコートじゃないか! 
返せーー!! 俺のだ!俺のだ!返せったら、俺のコート!!! 返せーーー!!!
はあ、まったく。 男のコートを盗むなんてどんな人なんだ。

* ダナ・キャランが毛皮を使用しないことを公約
* ファッション界の大物さらに一社、豪州産ウールをボイコット

参考資料 / "Inside the Fur Industry: Animal Factories" PETA Factsheets より抜粋

調査員によると、檻を何段にも積み重ね、一台のトラックで長距離運送する犬・猫の量は 8000匹にものぼる。

- たとえば規制のない中国の毛皮農場などで育てられ、屠殺されていることが殆どで

必要とする。(11)   また、毛皮は土壌中で生物分解されない。なぜならば、毛皮が腐敗しないために化学的な
である。毛皮動物飼育場で皮を剥がされるミンク1匹が排泄する糞の量は約20キロである。(12)  2004年米国

(11) Gregory H. Smith, “Energy Study of Real vs. Synthetic Furs,” University of Michigan, Sep. 1979.
(12) S.J. Bursian et al., “The Use of Phytase as a Feed Supplement to Enhance Utilization and Reduce Excretion of
Phosphorous in Mink,” 2003 Fur Rancher Blue Book of Fur Farming (East Lansing: Michigan State University Department
of Animal Science, 2003).
(13) U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, “Mink,” (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department
of Agriculture, 15 Jul. 2005).
(14) Bursian et al.

* 次回は、畜産動物をレスキューし続けて四半世紀、ニューヨーク州とカリフォルニア州にある

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Asia Pacific Senior Campaigner

Ms. Ashley Fruno

When we think about the word "Animal Rights Campaign",  all the organizations and advocates
have their own ways to promote their messages.  But there is a young activist who has been
capturing attention for her unique style in speaking out for animals.  Being nude to promote
anti-fur, painting her own body to boycott zoos, or even disguising herself as an animal lying in a
pool of blood on the street, no tactic is too bold in defense of her cause.  She conducts campaigns
across Asia for animals in many creative ways.   Ms. Ashley Fruno, Senior Campaigner of PETA
Pacific, kindly took a moment to answer some questions for CFT between her travels devoted to


ring Fashion Week in Hong Kong (far right:  Ms. Fruno)

The chicken nuggets that I ate when I was in grade two changed everything
"The travel is exhausting, the hours are long, and the pay isn't that great, but making a
different makes it all worth it.”

Ms. Fruno is based in Manila but continually traveling for her projects.  It is hard to say whether the
concept of “animal rights” has really taken root in Asian countries yet.  With different cultures and
traditions in each Asian country, her work is never easy and is never without complications.  “The
Philippines, for example, is English-friendly but not Internet-friendly.  Filipinos are able to understand
the leaflets we hand out, but not all of them have the means to log onto the internet to get more
information. Conversely, we have people like the Japanese and Koreans: they're some of the most
Internet-connected people on the planet, but many of them won't be able to read what's on our
web site."  In order to reach out to people, projects need to be adjusted depending on the culture.

Ms. Fruno is originally from a small town outside of Vancouver.  When she was in grade two, she
found a vein in her chicken nugget.  "I realized that if animals had veins like ours, they must feel
pain and suffer like we do, too.  Ever since, I've been vegetarian."  When she was 16, after watching
MEET  YOUR MEAT and realizing that milk supports the veal industry – she became vegan.  During
her high school years, she volunteered at her local SPCA and spoke out about animal rights whenever
she could.  "For example, I picketed RODEO DAY at my high school―when everyone else was
barbecuing hot dogs in the parking lot―and, since all the baseball gloves I could find were made of
leather, I wore an oven mitt during gym class instead.” After graduating from high school, she
interned at PETA US for a few months before starting university, and then went back to intern again
every summer.   “When I was offered a job with PETA Asia-Pacific, there was no way I could turn it

ayaenglish1It's very recent that people started to talk about
animal rights in Asia
"When we first launched PETA Asia Pacific in 2003,
animal rights was a really, really new concept in Asia."
But five years and dozens of campaigns later, they've
managed to bring animal rights issues across to the
very culturally diverse countries.

Last year, Ms. Aya Sugimoto appeared nude in a photo
for a PETA anti-fur campaign in Japan, attracting serious
public attention.  Ms. Sugimoto, famously passionate
about animal rights, also created her own faux-fur fashion
brand.  Ms. Fruno visited Japan for this project. “It was
our first-ever celebrity shoot in Japan and a huge hit.
Newspapers and Web sites around the world ran stories
on Ms. Sugimoto'a anti-fur ad, helping to spread the
message that you can be stylish without harming animals.
"Many countries covered the campaign on TV, newspapers
and internet."  People in general were surprised, but very receptive.”  This anti-fur campaign has
been conducted by PETA and it’s an on-going project.  Olympic gold medal swimmer Amanda Beard,
actresses like Pamela Anderson, Eva Mendes and Sadie Frost, Christy Turlington, Motley Crue
drummer Tommy Lee, former basketball player Dennis Rodman,  and many other celebrities
speak out for animals without a strip of clothing on.

Stella McCartney, H & M, Calvin Klein – They are fur-free international companies
The reality of the fur industry is almost totally unknown.  Few people are aware of the fact that the
fur is peeled off while the animal is still fully conscious.
The world's largest producer of fur is China, and rabbit is one of the most popular furs in Japan.
Ms. Fruno talked to us about the situation PETA found during their investigation at two rabbit fur
farms in China.  “We found rabbits forced to live in small, filth-encrusted cages, the stench of
ammonia burning their eyes and lungs.  When the rabbits are still babies―just four or five months
old―they are killed by being shocked with a handheld electrical device, hung upside-down by one
leg in metal shackles, and having their throats slit.”

As more people become aware of what happens to animals in the fur industry, they seek cruelty-
free alternatives.  "Fortunately, animal-friendly fashions are easy to find.”  Stella McCartney,
Calvin Klein, Topshop, Tommy Hilfiger, H&M which opened their first store in Tokyo last year, and
Ralph Lauren―have adopted fur-free policies. Juicy Couture also recently agreed to go fur-free.

burberry champion for anima

Consumers who wear fur might not actually realize how great the demand is for dog and cat fur.
PETA has worked with Chinese groups to stop the cruel dog and cat fur industry.  "We work with
and support grassroots animal rights groups all over the world."  Factory farming, the fur industry,
animal testing, the pet industry, entertainment, wildlife – "While there are so may cruelties",
Ms. Fruno says, “deciding priorities is one of our most difficult jobs since none of us want to ignore
any animals who are suffering.  It isn't always a campaign,  sometimes it’s writing a letter to a
newspaper editor, contacting a government agency or prosecutor to take action."  If it's necessary,
Ms. Fruno rushes off to rescue a chained, trapped, or injured animal.  “Becoming distracted by
what you can't do doesn't help anyone.  We have to focus on doing what we can and involving
more people to multiply our efforts.”

fur seminar fashion week hong kongCompared to what the animals are going through …
Ms. Fruno, an experienced campaigner, is totally
devoted and determined  to the cause.  "Probably
most dramatic incident was being deported from
Singapore."  Not only being nude to promote the anti-
fur campaign, Ms. Fruno was also launching a campaign
about factory farming.  She and two PETA colleagues
were planning a demonstration but the police followed
and sabotaged them.  “They tracked our cell phone
signals, and finally cornered me in the bathroom of the
YMCA and detained me for 10 hours.”

Roughly 1 billion chickens are raised and killed every year
for a popular fried chicken corporation.  Those chickens
are bred and drugged to grow so fast that they become
crippled under the weight of their massive upper bodies.
"Birds' throats are cut while they are still conscious and millions of birds are scalded to death in
defeathering tanks."  It isn't always comfortable for the senior campaigner to speak out for animals. 
“But the things we endure, from inclement weather to being detained, are nothing compared to the
horrors, pain, and death faced by animals every day on factory farms.”

As different as each culture may be, they all have one thing in common
"Our purpose is to stop animal suffering, and we believe in using all available opportunities to reach
millions of people with powerful messages.  As different as each culture may be, they all have one
thing in common: when people see the violence and suffering that goes on behind consumer backs
and realize that their habits support it, they're more willing to change. No matter what country
we're in or what language we’re speaking, our goal is to educate people about how simple
everyday changes can make a world of difference for animals.”

lettus ladies demo guangzhou sept 25 2008 8

Lettuce Ladies:  Ms. Fruno (left) dressed in bikinis made of lettuce to promote veganism

PETA's campaign is known to be creative and innovative.  "I will be one of the touring Lettuce
Ladies who will be making appearances to promote vegetarianism in Japan. I'lll be in pretty good
company considering all the celebrities who have posed as Lettuce Ladies (and Broccoli Boys).”
It sounds like it will be a while before Ms. Fruno can slow down and relax in her alternative
material fashion.

*This is a recent "Boycott the Zoo" campaign that Ms. Fruno appeared in Manila.  (Courtesy of AFPBB News)

(Photographs Courtesy of PETA Asia-Pacific)
Interview by Kozue Watanabe & Masami Mizuguchi (CFT)
Text & Translation by Kozue Watanabe (CFT)

<PETA Websites / Related links>
* Some of these websites contain images of animal suffering so they might not be suitable for young children.
PETA :  http://www.peta.org/
PETA Asia-Pacific:  http://www.petaasiapacific.com/
To register Newsletter (PETA Asia-Pacific):  http://www.petaasiapacific.com/activist-signup.asp
Anti-Fur:  http://furisdead.org/
PETA Vegetarian website:  http://www.goveg.com
Anti-Fur message from Stella McCartney "Do people you care about still wear fur? "
"Fashion Victims"(Narrated by Tim Gunn) http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/tim_gunn
Inside the Fur Industry: Animal Factories http://www.peta.org/mc/factsheet_display.asp?ID=56

Warning:  After you see the title "All in the Name of Fashion" next to 
the video "Stolen for Fashion", there are graphic images of cruelty.

(Courtesy of PETA)

< Excerpt from "Inside the Fur Industry: Animal Factories" PETA Factsheets >
< Would You Wear Your Dog? >

When PETA conducted an undercover investigation into the dog and cat fur trade in 2005,
investigators went to an animal market in Southern China and found that dogs and cats were
languishing in tiny cages, visibly exhausted. Some had been on the road for days, transported
in flimsy wire-mesh cages with no food or water. Animals were packed so tightly into cages that
they could not move. Because of the cross-country transport in such deplorable conditions, our
investigators saw dead cats on top of the cages, dying cats and dogs inside the cages, and cats
and dogs with open wounds. Some animals were lethargic, and others were fighting with each
other, driven insane from confinement and exposure. All of them were terrified.

Investigators reported that up to 8,000 animals were loaded onto each truck, with cages stacked
on top of each other. Cages containing live animals were tossed from the tops of the trucks onto
the ground 10 feet below, shattering the legs of the animals inside them. Many of the animals still
had collars on, a sign that they were once someone’s beloved companions, stolen to be
bludgeoned, hanged, bled to death, and strangled with wire nooses so that their fur can be turned
into coats, trim, and trinkets.

Undercover investigators from Swiss Animal Protection/EAST International toured fur farms in
China’s Hebei Province and found that foxes, minks, rabbits, and other animals were pacing and
shivering in outdoor wire cages, exposed to everything from scorching sun to freezing
temperatures to driving rain. Disease and injuries are widespread on these farms, and animals
suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and repeatedly throw themselves
against the cage bars.

The globalization of the fur trade has made it impossible to know where fur products come from.
Skins move through international auction houses and are purchased and distributed to manufacturers
around the world, and finished goods are often exported. Even if a fur garment’s label says that it
was made in a European country, the animals were likely raised and slaughtered elsewhere—possibly
on an unregulated Chinese fur farm.

< Environmental Destruction >
Contrary to fur-industry propaganda, fur production destroys the environment. The amount of
energy needed to produce a real fur coat from ranch-raised animal skins is approximately 15 times
that needed to produce a fake fur garment.(11) Nor is fur biodegradable, thanks to the chemical
treatment applied to stop the fur from rotting. The process of using these chemicals is also dangerous
because it can cause water contamination.

Each mink skinned by fur farmers produces about 44 pounds of feces.(12) Based on the total number
of minks skinned in the United States in 2004, which was 2.56 million, mink factory farms generate
tens of thousands of tons of manure annually.(13) One result is nearly 1,000 tons of phosphorus,
which wreaks havoc on water ecosystems.(14)

11) Gregory H. Smith, “Energy Study of Real vs. Synthetic Furs,” University of Michigan, Sep. 1979.
12) S.J. Bursian et al., “The Use of Phytase as a Feed Supplement to Enhance Utilization and Reduce
Excretion of Phosphorous in Mink,” 2003 Fur Rancher Blue Book of Fur Farming (East Lansing:
Michigan State University Department of Animal Science, 2003).
13) U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, “Mink,” (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 15 Jul. 2005).
14) Bursian et al.

< The Next Intervew Article >
CFT has had the privilege of talking with the President and the Co-founder of Farm Sanctuary
in New York and California.  Mr. Gene Baur, who has been rescuing farm animals for the
past 25 years, will be featured in our next upcoming two articles.