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動物たちの状況を学びながら日常の選択をしてゆく 「クルーエルティ・フリー・リビング&アニマル・アドボカシー」。 ashitaenosentaku.org / choicesfortomorrow.org は、そんな新しいライフスタイルへの窓口を広げつつ、お役に立てるコンテンツを様々な角度からご提供する事を目的としています。当サイトは、クルーエルティ・フリーに向かう明日へのライフ・スタイルとビジネスを応援します。

(コファウンダー  渡邊 こずえ・水口 政美)




Dr. Rebecca Campbell
ニューヨーク マンハッタンにある動物病院、シンフォニー・ベテリナリー・センターの院長。「患者さんは興味深い犬猫さんたちのグループを含みます。ウサギさんたちのファンがいます。といってもウサギの一団がニューヨークの街を後からついてくる訳ではありませんが、飼い主さんたちはついていらっしゃいます。」黒いサングラスをかけ、山のような人参をお店で買っているヒトがいて、そのヒトの服にたくさん動物の毛がついていたら、それはキャンベル先生と見てよいでしょう。

Dr. 仲本 桂子
筑波大学 農林学類卒業
米国ロマリンダ大学 公衆衛生栄養学科修士修了
女子栄養大学 栄養学部博士修了
現在、三育フーズ株式会社 研究開発室勤務


「食肉用の動物たちの映像を見てショックを受けたのがきっかけで、Humaneのお肉、Cage Freeのたまごなどを選んで買うようになりました。ひとりひとりが小さなことに気をつけることによって、世の中が大きく変わっていくのだと思います。」  個人ブログ:  http://blog.goo.ne.jp/syoshiko79

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makiMaki / 翻訳
「昨年の夏にCFTの素晴らしい存在を知り、主に『So Happy!』『CATW』『Learning』の翻訳を任せて頂いている動物好き人間。このサイトを通じてより多くの人たちに真実を伝えるメッセンジャーになれればと思っています。」  (左イラスト:Michael McGhee)


/ 翻訳

inui乾 よしみつ / 翻訳

久保田 佳織理 / 翻訳
「動物虐待に関して知識も興味もゼロでしたが、翻訳を始めて開眼された感じです。ショッピングに行っては毛皮のコートがどれ位あるとか、卵を見ては鶏小屋のことを思い出したり、常に動物のことを考えるようになりました。日本が捕鯨賛成国であることにも心が痛みます。このサ イトを見て、少しでも多くの人が私のように動物の実態をわかってくれることを願っています。」

Joshua Weeks / 翻訳
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

/ 翻訳
神奈川県横浜市出身、ニューヨーク市在住。 「『雀の赤ちゃん』の翻訳をお手伝いさせて頂きました。そのせいか、雀を見かけては、じっと見てしまいます。でも私の大好きな鳥はペリカンです。」

junkohosoi細井 純子/翻訳
フリーランス翻訳家。ヨガインストラクター。Japan Vegan Runners Club オーガナイザー「一人でも多くの人がヨガをやって、ベジタリアンになって、健康になって、平和がどんどん拡がっていったらいいなと思います。CFTを通じて平和の輪を拡げるお手伝いをできるだけしていきたいです

倉田 ありさ


Sarah Justeson/翻訳

Pauline Chu
n/翻訳 & プルーフリーディング

Wendy Billingslea /プルーフ・リーディング
パリ在住のアーティスト。「地球に平和を築いてゆくことに興味を抱いています。仏教の教えによると、実在とは精神から始まり、私たちの言動によって外へと広がってゆくそうです。そのような考えに似ていますが、私は描かれた象徴的な言語を通じて、視覚的に表現するように努めています。全ての生命と地球は繋がっており、動物たちは非常に私たちと類似していると思います。ですので、もしも実在というものが精神によって創られるとすれば、それは動物たちの知覚、直感によっても同様につくられると思います。私たちの深い感情を尊重し、思いやりの気持ちを行動に導くことによって、真の平和に近づくことが出来ると思います。私たちは日々、まずは心からそれを実現してゆくべきです。」 www.wbillingslea.com

Kelly Nixon
翻訳 & プルーフ・リーディング

nagashima illust
/ 翻訳


椿 りとな
「『Animals I've Met』のイラストを描かせていただいています。こんな形で動物に関わることができ、とても幸せです。現在の動物たちの状況が少しでも良くなっていくことに役立てればと願っています。」

Mike Larson 写真撮影

早川 由希子 ウェブ・デザイナー
ポートフォリオをご覧になりたい方は This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. までご連絡ください。」

JHT Accounting Service (NYC) アカウンティング

Erica Warren & Yuki Sato / 翻訳


イトマキ 惠

sadieSadie Harris /リサーチ & ソーシャルメディア
ヴィーガンになって7年、20才、現在ニューヨークのブルックリンに在住。2軒のヴィーガンレストランでフルタイムで働きながら、Eloise という1才の猫の親でもあります。動物を愛しすべての生命を尊重しているので、12才でヴィーガンになりました。


渡邊 こずえ / コファウンダー
「当サイトの立ち上げは、ボランティアの皆様をはじめ多くの方々のご協力によって実現致しました。 残虐な行為による動物たちの苦しみに終止符を打つために、わたしたちが出来ることは沢山あります。そのことを少しでも多くのかたに知って頂ければ、という願いをこめて。」

水口 政美 / コファウンダー

Choices for Tomorrow (CFT)

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ashitaenosentaku.org / choicesfortomorrow.org は
Choices for Tomorrow (CFT), Ltd., (244 Fifth Ave.  #W227 New York NY  10001 USA) が運営しております。

( 画像の文字をクリックしてみて下さい )

「クルーエルティ・フリー・リビング(Cruelty-Free Living)」 についてCFTはこのように考えます


「アニマル・アドボカシー(Animal Advocacy)」 についてCFTはこのように考えます:


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ashitaenosentaku.org / choicesfortomorrow.org (以下、当サイト) の文章、画像、情報などのコンテンツは、特に記載されているもの以外は Choices for Tomorrow (CFT), Ltd.(以下、CFT) に帰属しています。当サイトのオリジナルのコンテンツに限りましては、個人また非営利の目的に関してのみ、CFT からの引用であることを表示して頂いた上でご利用ください。CFT に著作権が帰属していないコンテンツを許可なしにご利用なさる場合は、著作権上の問題が発生することもございます。


About Us

"Cruelty-Free Living & Animal Advocacy" is a lifestyle where we make conscious choices as we learn about animals and the realities they face. choicesfotomorrow.org / ashitaenosentaku.org aims to open the door to a new way of living as well as to provide useful content and diverse perspectives.  We strive for a shared lifestyle and business focused on a future of hope - a tomorrow that becomes cruelty-free.

(Co-founder    Masami Mizuguchi ・ Kozue Watanabe)


< Guest Contributors >

My life with my cats inspired me to join some local organizations, panel exhibitions and demonstration marches to protest against animal-testing.  I also launched a blog called "Cats and Vegan Life" to aim promoting vegan life and animal rights.

Koko Larson
Born in Hokkaido, in Northern Japan and lives in Oakland, California.
"I make textile works at a gentle pace.  Food in the Bay Area and bicycle culture became my passion:-)"

Dr. Rebecca Campbell
Veterinarian practicing in Manhattan, New York at her hospital known as Symphony Veterinary Center.  Her patients include an interesting population of dogs and cats, and she has a large following of rabbits.  This does not mean that there is a herd of rabbits following her around New York City, but their owners seem to.  You might recognize her as the woman in dark glasses buying large amounts of carrots at the grocery store, whose clothes have a great deal of animal fur attached to them. 

Dr. Keiko Nakamoto
Graduated from the University of Tsukuba in Japan with a degree in Agriculture and Forestry; Loma Linda University (Master of Public Health (MPH) in Public Health Nutrition program); Kagawa Education Institute of Nutrition (PhD, Nutrition Sciences).  Currently works at Research & Development Office at San-iku Foods Company in Chiba prefecture, Japan

I became a vegan when I learned what kind of cruelty animals have to face.  Whenever I was feeling sad or having a hard time, the animals around me were always there for me.  Now I believe this is my turn to show them my gratitude.  It is my hope to make the world a place where all living beings can be happy.


Yoshiko Schenkenfelder
"I was in a state of shock when I first saw what is happening to the animals raised for food.  Since then I started buying cage-free eggs and meat raised humanely.  To be aware of even a small thing as an individual makes big changes in world around us."  

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makiMaki / Translation
“I am a big animal-lover and found out about CFT last summer.  Since then, I have been working on some translations on the So Happy, CATW, and Learning sections in this website.  I would like to continue to send out messages about the truth to as many people as possible through CFT.”  (Illustration: Michael McGhee)


Nari / Translation
“My dream as a child was to become a veterinarian.  However, I work now in the world of law.  I would like to make every effort to be part of supporting, in the eye of the law, activities for animal protection for example, regarding assistant dogs.”

inuiYoshimitsu Inui / Translation
“I wanted to do something for animals -  including companion animals.  Since then I started working on translations for CFT articles.  At home we have two dogs and two cats.  Although we don’t have any children, we care for and cherish our companion animals.  I would like many people to visit this website and become as interested in animals - as I am.”

Kaori Kubota / Translation
Lives in Vancouver, Canada.  Mother of two children and a big fan of the band Spitz.  “I had not been aware of the cruelty of animals at all, so it was such an eye-opener when I first began translating  articles for CFT.  Since then, when I go shopping I can’t help myself not to see how many fur-coats that are sold in stores. I can’t help but imagine battery-cages when I see eggs.  Now I am very aware and always think about these animals.  It is disturbing when I think that Japan is, in fact, a pro-whaling country.  I strongly hope that more and more people will become aware, as I did, of the reality that these animals face today”

Joshua Weeks / Translation
Freelance translator living in New York city.
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Yumi Kuwahata / Translation
Originally from Yokohama City, Japan.  Currently lives in New York city.  “I helped to translate "Baby Sparrow" in the CFT section Animals I’ve Met. Since then, every time I see a sparrow I can’t help but stare in wonder.  My favorite bird is the pelican."


Junko Hosoi / Translation
Freelance Translator, Yoga Instructor, Organizer of Japan Vegan Runners Club.  "I wish as many people as possible practice yoga and become vegetarian and healthier, and peace in our hearts spread to the world.  I'm happy to help such a cause through CFT."

Arisa Kurata
/ Translation

Satoshi / Translation

Sarah Justeson / Translation

Pauline Chu / Translation & Proof-Reading

Wendy Billingslea
/ Proof-Reading
Visual artist based in Paris.  "I am interested in developing peace on earth.  According to Buddhist texts, reality begins in the mind and is extended outward by what we say and do.  In a similar way I work to communicate visually through a symbolic painted language. I believe that all living beings and the earth are connected, and animals are very much our relatives!  If reality is created in the mind, it must also come from feelings, sensations and intuition, common to all animals. By valuing our deepest feelings and allowing our heart to guide our actions, I think we can get closer to true peace. We must work for it everyday, inside ourselves above all."      www.wbillingslea.com

Kelly Nixon / Translation & Proof-Reading

nagashima illustYuko Nagashima Inglis /  Translation
Former educator at a public elementary school in Japan.  Coming from school education point of view, I seek to reexamine "food" and dietary education.  Currently I am teaching children with developmental disability at a school in New York City.  My present goal is to go back to a graduate school to obtain a teaching credential in New York States.


Ritona Tsubaki /  Illustration
“I made the illustrations for Animals I’ve Met (Baby Sparrow).  I am very happy to be connected to animals in this way.  I hope that what I do come in useful to be part of making changes for better situations for the animals.”

Mike Larson / Photography

Yukiko Hayakawa / Website Designer
Originally from Nagoya, Japan.  Interior coordinator and web designer currently based in New York City.  “There were the very important things that I had never been aware of.  I would like many people to learn about the truth through this website that introduces, from various angles, the importance about cruelty-free living.”  For Yukiko’s portfolio, please contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

JHT Accounting Service (NYC) / Accounting

Erica Warren & Yuki Sato / Translation
I found out about CFT through the internet.  I have always been supportive and loving toward animals.  Seeing this websie makes me happy that people are concerned and still generous enough to help out for such causes.  My mother and I volunteer with translating articles whenever we can.  We appreciate the information and the messages CFT puts out for the public.


Kei Itomaki / Data Management
“Animals are like angeles!  It hurts me when these pure and vulnerable beings are treated cruelly and inhumanely.  Unfortunately I feel that many people don't pay attention to such issues.  I strongly hope that the wonderful advocacy and activities such as CFT will expand more and we'll have a society that we humans show compassion and respect to other animals.“

sadieSadie Harris / Research & SNS
Vegan for seven years, twenty years old, and currently living in Brooklyn, NY. I work full time for two vegan restaurants and am a parent to a one-year-old cat named Eloise. I became vegan at age 12 because of my love of animals and respect for all life.




Kozue Watanabe / Co-founder  
"This website launch was made possible thanks to all the support by the many people devoted to the cause of animals as well as the valuable help from our wonderful volunteers.  I would like as many people as possible to know that there are so many things we can do to put the period to animal cruelty and suffering."




Masami Mizuguchi /  Co-founder
"I am happy to keep meeting people who feel and stand for animals.  The wish to protect animals from cruelty is universal.  (The dog in the photo is Hanako.  She is wearing a t-shirt in order to protect the post-surgery scar.  We had lots of funny looks from people on the street!)"

Choices for Tomorrow (CFT
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

choicesfortomorrow.org / ashitaenosentaku.org is owned and operated by

Choices for Tomorrow (CFT), Ltd. (244 Fifth Ave. #W227 New York, NY 10001 USA)

( Please click a word.)

* The following is a translation of the Japanese message that you see at the top of every page.

Both humans and animals are one of the species that coexists on this planet.  Both humans and animals acknowledge happiness and pain, have memories and emotions, and naturally seek to live in their own natural ecology.  However in reality, many animals are facing their deaths as they experience unimaginable suffering caused by cruel human conduct in the name of human desire and profit.  Presently, human lifestyles are inter-connected with extremely cruel animal sacrifice.  On our website, we are introducing cruelty-free life style choices and up-to-date information that will lead you into a better future-one step ahead:  for a lifestyle that has a beneficial impact both on our health and our shared environment.  It is creative to aspire to live cruelty-free.  To live cruelty-free is not about inconvenience but actually is about making you feel pleasant.  You can start making choices today.  This is for the species we share the planet with, ourselves, and for the health of our future generations.

Do we really want a beautiful ocean, clean air and happy animals in their habitats?  Yes! And if we chose to, it becomes possible.

How CFT views "Cruelty-Free Living":

- Abstaining from eating food that comes from livestock breeding & raising systems that mistreat animals.
- Abstaining from cosmetics or body products that come from companies that
use animal ingredients, or use animal testing.
- Abstaining from clothing, shoes, bags or accessories made with fur or leather
or that comes from companies that mistreat animals.
- Abstaining from any industries that exploit animals, including pet trade,
entertainment businesses such as circuses, and animal experiments in scientific research facilities.

Many of these ideas overlap with veganism.  It's a lifestyle where we as the human species can do our best to consider how we can both contribute to human society and to coexist with other species on the planet.

How CFT views "Animal Advocacy" :

There is a saying “We don't do things to others that we don't want others to do to us”.  We would like to encourage that this idea be applied to other species that have feelings, emotions and memories.  Just as we are also striving to eliminate discrimination amongst humans based on sex, culture, race, ideology and religion  - we believe the humans can achieve harmony with other species and be part of a world devoid of discrimination and abuse.

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We would like to thank all of the advocacy organizations and the news media

for their generous cooperation, and for permitting us to feature, or link to, their articles.

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Other than when specifically indicated, all contents on choicesfortomorrow.org / ashitaenosentaku.org (below "Site") such as texts, images, and information, belong to Choices for Tomorrow (CFT), Ltd.  Original contents on the SIte only may be used by personal or not-for-profit purposes, under the condition that it is clearly marked that the contents are originally from CFT. 

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