
ボランティアさん / Volunteer

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CFT ではボランティアのかたを募集しております。
おありのかたは是非  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. までご連絡を下さい。

* リサーチ
* 英訳・和訳
* 寄稿
* 取材・撮影
* ウェブサイト・デベロッパー&デザイナー
* 他

CFT is seeking volunteers.
If you are interested in the contents on our website, animals and animal welfare,  wildlife and marine conservation, vegetarianism and veganism, or future food and fashion, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

We are currently seeking:

* Researchers
* Translators (English to Japanese and Japanese to English)
* Contributors to articles and interviews
* Photographers
* Proof Readers (in English)
* Web Developer / Designer