
Wings of Defeat  森本リサさん




水口政美(CFT) :

そうなんです、このところものすごく忙しかったです・・・今週は全然公園に行けなかった・・・ :(


監督 :ショーン・モンソン、ナレーション: ホワキン・フェニックス、音楽: モービー、
制作: 2005年
ネイション・アース www.earthlings.com

鏡で自分を見る必要がなかったり、今 世界で起こっている多くの悲惨な出来事を自分が無視しているって認めて、「あそこでは起こっているけれど、でも自分には影響ない」って思えるなら。



リサさんは「アースリングズ」をご覧になって、コネクション... すぐに点をつなげられた。
"真実への段階" としてモンソン監督が示している 「嘲り」「猛烈な抵抗」の段階を通らず、


あの映画を最後まで観るのには本当に勇気が必要でしたね。今思い出してみると、私のデスクの上に DVD がずーっと座っていてそれを目にしては "いつ、観るつもり?” と、頭の中で毎日エコーしていましたもの。だいぶしてからやっと政美ちゃんと一緒に観る機会が出来て。 DVD のパッケージを開けた時に、ふたりで大きな溜め息をついたのを今でも覚えています。それは、何と言うのかしら・・・おおげさに聞こえるかもしれませんけれども、個人的にはこのまま避けては通れないモーメントのような。様々な巨大産業で動物たちが残虐な扱いを受けている実態を、どこまで自分の目でしっかり見届けられるか。それと同時に、ある意味では自分自身にも直面しなくてはならない。そんなふたつのチャレンジがあったからでしょうね。この映画は様々な種、特にわたしたちと同じ様に幸せや寂しさ、また苦しみなどを感じその感情を認識している動物たちを、人間がいかに消費し、動物たちの犠牲にどれほど依存しているのか、その現実を露に見せてくれます。毎日毎日、こうして私たちがお喋りをしているこの瞬間にも、想像を絶するような残虐な行為によってどれほど多くの動物たちが苦しんでいるのか・・・言葉ではとても表現しきれません。この映画を観て、以来全てが違って見えます。自分の中でも大きな変化を感じましたね。そしてその変化には高揚を感じました。とても重要なことを学んだ、という意味で。











特攻ーTOKKO」は今、世界中の映画祭を回っています。またポニーキャニオンよりDVDが発売されました。詳細はオフィシャルサイト「特攻ーTOKKO」のニュース、または"WINGS OF DEFEAT" (英語サイト)をご覧ください。



** 次回は猫レスキューで知り合ったご近所の井上扶美子さんにTNR(トラップ、去勢、リリース)のすべてを語って頂きます。実際一緒にレスキューしたサニーちゃんや、扶美子さんにレスキューされた沢山の猫ちゃんたちが登場します。
どうぞお楽しみに! **



Risa with RayRay and Bobby

Wings of Defeat Ms. Risa Morimoto

Our first guest for Talk On a Veranda is Ms. Risa Morimoto, a second generation Japanese American, born and raised in New York. She directed and produced a documentary called
WINGS OF DEFEAT" (Japanese title: "TOKKO") in 2007 about Kamikaze pilots who survived.
It is scheduled to air on INDEPENDENT LENS, on Friday May 5th, 2009 on PBS (and other dates depending on the location - please check local PBS listings | for NY tristate region: May 22 at 10pmEST on WNET)

You can read more about this incredible film at the bottom of this page.

We are honored to welcome Ms.Morimoto to On the Veranda.

NYC has begun to feel like spring with gusting winds. How is Ray, your dog?
My dog, Hanako misses bothering Ray with her intrusive sniffs (^_^). We were hoping to run
into the two of you in the park this morning.

This week has been extremely busy – I wasn't able to go to the park at all this week. :(

No wonder! I was in the park with Hanako quite often this week but never saw you and Ray.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule, as you work on a new film, and to both
you and your husband for having the courage to see the documentary "

EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary focusing on humankind's absolute
dependence on animals used as pets, for food, for clothing, in entertainment, and for
medical or scientific research. Directed by Shaun Monson, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix,
and music by Moby.
2005/Nation Earth www.earthlings.com)

My husband was very reluctant to watch the film as I am sure most people are. And I knew
I wouldn't have the courage to watch it by myself...to tell you the truth, I didn't watch most of it...
but I did listen to all of it. Life is much simpler and easier when we don't have to look at
ourselves in the mirror and admit that we ignore a lot of the horrible things that are happening
in the world today: the "Oh, it's happening 'over there.' So, it doesn't affect me..." attitude.
After watching Earthlings and being such a lover of animals, I was completely devastated
how humans can treat not only the animals but each other (knowingly selling products that
are so filled with chemicals and drugs that cause cancer and other like diseases). So I have
since started to do my own research on how we can all live a life that is more respectful.
I bought this cookbook, Alice Waters' "The Art of Simple Food" - in it, it talks about sustainable
and responsible eating habits. Watching Earthlings definitely makes you want to become a
vegetarian but the reality is...is that the industry is too huge and there are too many meat eaters
out there...so how can we create a more responsible industry so that these cases of rampant
abuse are reduced? These are some of the questions that keep running through my head...

I am grateful that you made "the connection". The director Mr. Monson describes "the three
steps to the truth" as RIDICULE, VIOLENT OPPOSITION, and ACCEPTANCE, but you just
accepted it. And there are more people out there who will eventually make a connection
between "ourselves" and "them". Your husband is so nice to you! My partner still hasn't
seen the film. :-) But I am glad that I got to see it through with Kozue. It took not only my
courage, but also a drew on my commitment to love "all of us together here", that kind of idea....

Kozue (CFT):
It was extremely challenging to build up my courage to watch it through. I remember I had
been seeing the DVD sitting on my desk for days and kept asking myself, "am I ready to watch?"  Then when Masami came over to watch it together, I still remember we both heaved a big sigh when we were opening the DVD package. It was THE moment that I personally needed to be honest and not being an ignorant. So it was not only challenging to 'watch' the reality how animals are treated in those gigantic industries, but also I needed to confront myself in some certain degree. The film unveil how humans consume and rely on other species, especially all the animals who feel and acknowledge emotions like happiness, loneliness
and pain like we all do. It is beyond words what kind of extreme cruelty those animals have
to go through every day even this moment when we are talking like this. After the film was
over, the world didn't look the same anymore. I realized something inside myself has
tremendously changed. And that's -- uplifting. I felt I learned something so important.

I didn't acknowledge such transformtion within myself at that time, but one particular image
sat on my brain. That is the same type of scenes in the wars of humankind - like a child
watching the family slaughtered in the bloody ocean. As a life, our loving dog and a cow
in a remote place feel happiness and pain in the same way like us and it is only one life
to them, but since we are not there, it is hard to make connection. Imagination hurts and
also we are all too busy to feel that the star we live on shines like a star above us.
Sometimes it is hard to connect. May I ask how your husband was after watching the film,
Risa-san? Was he okay? :-)

He was really transformed and inspired. He volunteers as EMT (Emergency Medical
Technician) so he's seen some pretty gruesome stuff...but nothing compared with the
deliberate cruelty that some of these people did against some of these animals.
We have decided together to think differently about everything we eat, wear, consume,
and help to get the word out there to everyone we know. It's a personal commitment and
I think that it will take time. But as I say, if anything is to grow, you need to plant the seeds first.

That's so true - that we need to plant the seeds first. I like Risa-san's expression. By the way,
Masami and I so much look forward to seeing your film "Wings of Defeat".

Yes, we are very excited to see it. In anticipation I've been looking at the film's official website and reading about the story. I feel there's a similar message or theme between "Wings of Defeat" and Mr. Shawn Munson's "Earthlings". Did you feel that way, too?

There is so much misinformation and lack of information in the world. As a filmmaker, it's a
great opportunity to share stories with a larger audience who otherwise not know this side
of the story...so yes there are similarities for sure. But basic philosophy in trying to bring
greater understanding and perspective is the core of what drives my storytelling. For CFT,
I think that it is crucial for not only us but especially future generations to alter the way they
live their life. This planet cannot sustain this momentum. I read some scary statistic that
the American population is supposed to increase to almost 450 million people by 2050...
that's not that far away. There is only a limited amount of food, land and resources.
How can these people continue to live if we don't change our living habits??

I know. People tend to feel so helpless sometimes because the challenge is enormous.
But there are still so many things we can learn. More we learn from different standpoints,
more connections we can see between the dots and the choices we make in everyday life.

That's so true. Especially when information is presented to children in a very kind manner,
so as to protect the fragile mind and heart, it's amazing how they process the information
and become creative. If anything uplifts me after watching "Earthlings" or seeing the reality
of many animals mistreatment, it would be the hope and the creativity that humans can use
information and create a better direction. It is really fun to consider how we can contribute
to a 'collective creativity' to make this planet a better place to live for all creatures. So I hope
CFT will be a fun site for kids and therefore future generations as well.

Risa-san, thank you for stopping by today. It was so nice to have you here. It may be time to
take Ray for a walk soon. Hanako and I will be seeing you in the park. Maybe we'll see Kozue
and her cat Suzy who takes walks outside like a dog.

Thank you so much for inviting me. Respect and consideration for others and oneself is not
a difficult task but sometimes the rush and hectic nature of life gets in the way. I think if we can
become more thoughtful in our actions, we will see enormous changes happen. The planet
is in bad shape – but we must take this as an opportunity. People usually don't take action
unless the situation is desperate. Hopefully this is the wake-up call for all of us and we can
create change and better lives for everyone.

Just as a reminder, Wings of Defeat is currently doing the film festival circuit in the US and
around the world and will air on the program "
Independent Lens" of PBS on May 22nd.
Please check local listings to confirm the time. For more information please visit

Thank you Masami, Kozue and CFT!!

Kozue and Masami:
Risa-san, Arigato, too!!!

"Wings of Defeat is a remarkably fascinating documentary, as well as a major contribution
to our understanding of the history of World War II, from a heretofore untold point of view–
that of the Kamikaze pilots whose training and contributions to the Japanese cause have
long been shrouded in myth."
–Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Alphonse Fletcher University Professor, Harvard University

WINGS OF DEFEAT | TOKKO/特攻 a feature documentary www.wingsofdefeat.com

** On the next Veranda Talk, we will introduce Ms. Fumiko Inoue who has been rescuing
neighborhood cats using TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) method. We actually rescued one baby cat together and adopted him out to Ms. Inoue's friend. We will also introduce many cats who Ms. Inoue rescued, so the talk will cover all about TNR. Please stay tuned! **