
Life Style Vol. 3 ベジタリアン&ヴィーガン・ママのための栄養学 /       Nutritional Information for Vegetarian & Vegan Mothers

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Life Style Vol. 2 happyneko さんのヴィーガン・レシピ特集(1)


.........第1回 ~ 妊娠してから授乳期まで ~

Q1 ベジタリアン/ヴィーガンの女性が妊娠中に、あるいは出産後(授乳中)にベジタリアン/ヴィーガンになった場合、どの様な食品を一日で配分する必要がありますか?また栄養面で注意しなくてはならない事はどんな事でしょうか。

A1. dベジタリアン/ヴィーガン歴が長いほど、きちんと気をつけた食事をしていなければ、栄養不足状態の可能性が高くなります。妊娠初期はつわりなどで何も食べられない!という人も多いはず。たとえ食べられなくても、母体にそれまで蓄積された栄養で赤ちゃんは大丈夫、と栄養指導されるようですが、そのためには妊娠する可能性があるとわかった段階で栄養をしっかり摂る必要があります(ビタミンB12だけは蓄えによらない、というデータもあるのでサプリメントで摂ったほうが安全です)。


。。。。。。。。。。。。 (上の図をクリックすると拡大されます。)


す。る。。。 表1<菜食主義者で特に気をつける必要のある各種栄養素の供給源>
ん。。。d。の** 各栄養素の下に1日に摂取する目安量(18 - 49歳の女性、身体活動レベル II、日本人の
。。。。。。。。。食事摂取基準2010年版より ) を


< 妊娠中>

エネルギー 適切な体重増加のために摂取エネルギーを適量増やす必要があります。適正体重を超えている人はそれほど摂取エネルギーを増やす必要はありませんが、やせ気味の人はより多くのエネルギーが必要となります。菜食は低カロリーになりがちですので、高カロリーの食品(豆類やナッツ・種実類、豆類のペースト状になったもの。大豆食品、ドライフルーツなど)を意識的に摂取するようにしましょう。1日、少なくとも3食はしっかり食べるようにしましょう。
たんぱく質 赤ちゃんを作るためにたくさんのたんぱく質が必要になります。大豆は牛乳や卵、肉に匹敵するほど質の高いたんぱく質を含んでいます。大豆の他にも、レンズ豆などの豆類、玄米・全粒粉で出来たパンなどの穀類、ピーナッツなどのナッツ類、種実類のような食品からたんぱく質を摂取することができます。



葉酸 葉酸は細胞の複製に重要な栄養素で、妊娠の初期段階から必要になります。そのため、妊娠の可能性がある女性は早い段階から十分な葉酸を摂取する必要があります。緑の濃い葉野菜、未精製穀類、豆類に多く含まれているので、ベジタリアンのほうが非ベジタリアンより摂取量が多い傾向にありますが、気を抜かず、しっかり摂りましょう。

ビタミンB12 この栄養素も細胞の複製に必要な栄養素です。供給源と言える食品は牛乳や卵を含む動物性食品のみです。従来、ビタミンB12を含むと考えられていた味噌、納豆などの発酵食品や海藻類はビタミンB12の類似体で、ビタミンB12の吸収と拮抗することがわかっています。ただ、のりはビタミンB12を含む可能性が高いようです。赤ちゃんはお母さんの体内に貯蔵されているビタミンB12でなく、毎日摂取するビタミンB12しか受け取れないので、ビタミンB12を強化した食品やサプリメントも考慮した摂取が大切です。(*のりはビタミンB12の供給源としてまだはっきりしたことが言えないため、ヴィーガンのかたはサプリメントを併用することが推奨されます。)
カルシウム 赤ちゃんの骨や歯の形成に必要な栄養素です。妊娠中毒症等の胎盤機能低下がある妊婦以外は特に必要量を増やす必要はありません。従来どおりの摂取量をしっかり摂りましょう。

ビタミンD カルシウムの吸収に大切な栄養素です。白人で夏の太陽に20-30分間を週に2-3回が必要と言われています。肌の色がより濃い日本人はそれ以上必要になります。スモッグや曇り、日焼け止めはビタミンDの産生を阻害しますので、食事からもしっかり摂取しましょう。

亜鉛 細胞の成長や細胞が機能するのに大切な栄養素です。フィチン酸、鉄、カルシウムの高摂取は亜鉛の吸収を阻害しますので、バランスが大切です。また、植物性由来の亜鉛は動物由来に比べて吸収が良くないので、しっかり摂りましょう。

DHA 妊娠後期に特に必要となる栄養素です。DHAは卵に含まれますが、リノレン酸を摂取することにより体内で合成されます。しかし、リノール酸の摂取量が多いと体内での合成が妨げられます。植物性でリノレン酸を多く含む食品源は亜麻仁、キャノーラ、くるみくらいですが、植物油、ナッツ類・種実類はリノール酸を多く含んでいます。そのため、油脂はリノレン酸を多く含むものを意識して摂ることが大切です。また、欧米ではベジタリアン用のDHAも販売されているようですのでそれらを利用することもできます。

。。。。。。。表2<1日の食事摂取基準 女性30〜49歳 活動量:普通>
ん。。。。のーガ** 20〜29歳女性、また活動量が高い場合はエネルギーを少し増やしてください。
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。

。。。。..*  %エネルギーとはエネルギーに対する割合のこと。エネルギーが2050kcalの場合、脂質20%エネルギー
。。。。。というと、2050 x 20% ÷ 9(脂質1gあたり9kcalなので)= 45.6gとなり、45.6gの脂質量となります。

。。。。。。。。。。** 詳しい栄養成分計算表はこちらをクリックして下さい。

。。。。文字化けした場合には、こちらのリンク(1)& (2)から栄養比がご覧頂けます。
** また、こちらのサイトでは、食品名をひらがなで記入致しますと食品中成分比が調べられます。

< 出産後(授乳中) >




xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx............ - 妊娠前期 -

①    お腹が空っぽになるのを避ける:胃の中での胃酸の増加や低血糖がつわりをおこしやすくします。少量の食事を何度かに分けて食べて、胃に何かを入れたり、適正な血糖値を保てるようにしたりします。
②    ベッドのそばに食べ物を置いておく:
③    食べれる物の中でできるだけ必要な栄養の摂れる健康的な食品を食べる:
④    食事と一緒に飲み物を摂るのを避ける:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...xxxxxxxx- 妊娠後期 -

①    お腹が一杯で苦しい、という状態を避けるために、少量を何回かに分けて食べるようにします。
②    食べてすぐに寝転ばないようにします。
③    食後、歩くなどの軽い運動をこころがけます。
④    油っこい食品や酸味の強い食品、炭酸飲料を避けます。


避けます。。。。。。。。。。。。。 〜   〜   〜

* 次回は、赤ちゃんや幼児をベジタリアンあるいはヴィーガンで育てる場合の栄養アドバイスです。
* 仲本先生がブログをスタートなさいました!

Dr. 仲本 桂子

筑波大学 農林学類卒業
米国ロマリンダ大学 公衆衛生栄養学科修士修了
女子栄養大学 栄養学部博士修了
現在、三育フーズ株式会社 研究開発室勤務

。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 テキスト翻訳 by サラ・ジャストソン

。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。、、。。。チャート翻訳 by ポーリン・チュウ
by マイク・ラルソン


Life Style Vol. 2 happyneko's Vegan Recipes(1)

。。。。。Nutritional Information for Vegetarian & Vegan Mothers

sevenmonthsWhen you are a vegetarian or a vegan and became pregnant, it is a natural concern to think "Now, how about my nutritional balance?"  Or, if you are vegetarian or vegan parents who are raising small children, you might wonder if your children are growing up healthily.  Either for babies on the way or for growing children or for the parents, it is essential to have well balanced dietary life.  Dr. Keiko Nakamoto, specialized in vegan & vegetarian nutrition, answers some of the important questions that you might have.  This is a must-read nutriology for everybody.

。。。。。。。。。Part 1.
.。~ From Pregnancy to Lactation Period ~

Q1. In the case of women who became vegetarian or vegan while pregnant or nursing, what types of foods are needed on a daily basis?  And, from a nutritional standpoint, what must we pay attention to?

A1. If a person does not pay close attention to the things they eat, the likelihood of malnutrition will increase in proportion to the length of their personal history as a vegetarian.  At the initial stages of pregnancy, there are many people who feel like they can hardly eat anything due to things like morning sickness.  For example, it is often said that even if the mother cannot eat, the child will be fine, using nutrition stored up in the mother’s body.  However, for that to work, it is necessary for the mother to take in that nutrition from the time that she realizes she may be pregnant (data also shows that vitamin B12 may not be stored, so taking B12 supplements is best). 


。。。。。。。。。。。。。。(Please click the image to enlarge.)

The quantity of various nutrients needed during pregnancy increases, so you should choose food products with high nutritional values.  The figure above displays a food balance guide that shows what kinds of foods are needed, and how much of each.  It also shows vegetarian meat substitutes that may be used in place of meat, fish and eggs.  In the case of people who do not eat dairy products be sure to consume the following: for every two milk substitutions, one additional item; an additional 200mg of calcium; and one additional item rich in vitamin B2.  It is especially important for vegans to ensure that they are getting enough vitamin B12.  In addition, the table above shows many food products that contain the nutrients that pregnant vegetarians and vegans will want to pay attention to. The chart 2 showss the standard for daily dietary intake, which is described by chart 1.  It is very important for vegetarians to follow the food balance guide and eat those foods containing the nutrients that are might otherwise be neglected.

る必要のある.....Chart 1 < Important Vegetarian Food Sources of Nutrients >
appyne。ko's **Each type of nutrient listed below indicates recommended estimated amount of daily intake
。。。。。。。。。。。。。(for 18-49 year-old Japanese women, physical activity level II,
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Dietary Reference Nutrient Intake, 2010),

appyne。。....。。。。。。Based on Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan (Fifth Revised & Enlarged Edition)

。。。。。。。。。...。.。。。   。< During Pregnancy >

Energy: ..It is necessary to increase caloric intake by an appropriate amount to support appropriate weight gain.  A person may not need to increase their caloric intake so much that they exceed a reasonable body weight.  However, because a vegetarian diet is inherently low in calories, pregnant women should deliberately eat foods that are high in calories (nuts, seeds, and spreads that are made from them; soybean products, dry fruits, etc.).  Eat at least 3 servings every day.
Protein: hThe growing baby requires a lot of protein.  Soybeans have a high protein content that rivals that of milk, eggs and meat.  Aside from soybeans, you can get protein from beans such as lentils, grains such as brown rice and whole wheat bread, peanuts and other nuts.

Iron: hThe baby as well as the mother needs an enormously increased amount of iron.  In most cases, pregnant women -- not only vegetarians -- must take supplements in addition to eating foods that are rich in dietary iron.  The danger of low birth weight and premature birth increases greatly if the mother has an insufficient iron intake.

Along with eating foods that are rich in iron, try to eat foods that contain vitamin C and or are acidic, as they promote the absorption of iron into our bodies.  At the same time, watch out for teas, coffees, and other products that contain tannin, which inhibits our ability to absorb iron.  Dairy products, tea, coffee, whole grains, legumes, and calcium supplements should not be consumed together with the iron supplement.

Folic acid: hFolic acid is an essential nutrient for cell reproduction.  As such, it is vital from the initial stages of pregnancy.  For that reason, women who may be pregnant should include lots of folic acid in their diet from the earliest stage.  Appropriate foods include mainly dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.  More than non-vegetarians, vegetarians are already apt to eat these foods, but do not relax your intake of them during pregnancy.

Vitamin B12: hThis nutrient is also essential for cell reproduction.  The only foods that we can say supply vitamin B12 are animal products, such as milk and eggs.  Some kinds of seaweed and fermented foods such as miso and natto are traditionally considered to contain vitamin B12; we now understand that these foods contain analogous content rivaling vitamin B12.  However, there is a very high possibility that nori (dried seaweed) contains the nutrient although it has not been clarified yet.  If you are a vegan, to take B12 suppliment is recommended.  The baby does not receive vitamin B12 stored in the mother’s body, but rather can only receive vitamin B12 that is absorbed in the body on a daily basis.  Thus, it is very important that food products and supplements with substantial vitamin B12 content are taken.
Calcium: hThis nutrient is necessary for the formation of the baby’s bones and teeth.  There is no need to increase intake of calcium, except in the case of pregnant women experiencing placental insufficiency due to toxemia.  Continue to reliably take in a usual amount of calcium.

Vitamin D: hThis nutrient is essential for the absorption of calcium.  It is said that Caucasians get the needed amount of vitamin D by exposure to the summer sun for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times per week.  Since Japanese have a darker skin color than Caucasians, they need more than that.  Smog, cloudy weather, and sunscreen result in a decreased production of vitamin D, so we must receive it from our diet.

Zinc: hThis is an important nutrient for cell growth and functioning.  The absorption of zinc is blocked by high quantities of phytin, iron and calcium, so balance is key.  Additionally, zinc that comes from plants is less easily absorbed than zinc that comes from animals, so it is important that vegetarians consume plenty of zinc.

DHA: hThis nutrient is especially important in the later stages of pregnancy.  DHA is found in eggs, but can also be created in the body by consuming linolenic acid.  However, if a lot of linoleic acid is consumed, the body is prevented from producing DHA.  DHA is largely found in vegetable-based linolenic acid, contained in food products such as flaxseed, canola oil, and walnuts.  In the mean time, vegetable oil, nuts and seeds contains linoleic acid, therefore it is important to eat fats and oils that contain large amount of linolenic acid.  For this reason, it is important to consciously eat fats and oils that contain large amounts of linolenic acid.  In addition, vegetarian-safe DHA is sold in Europe and the US, so that may also be used.

る必.................. ..  ........Chart 2 < Daily Dietary Reference Nutrient Intake >
。。。。。。。  ..。。。。- Women 30-49 yrs old - Activity:  Average

appy。 **For women 20-29 yrs old, or for women with higher level of activity, please slightly increase the energy level.
。。。。。。。。。。。。.....。。If lower level of activity, please reduce the energy level.

appyne。。....。。................................................................。。。。Based on Standard Dietary Nutrient Intake (2005)
app..............yne...* % Energy stands for level relative to energy.  In other words, for 2050kcal of energy
。。。。。。energy of 20% fat is 45.6g of fat amount, which is calculated  2050 x 20% ÷ 9 (fat 1g = 9kcal).

。。。。。。。。。**Please click here for the detailed nutritional calculating table.
ta..........You can also see the nutritional calculating table on this link (1) and (2) if you have a
.........................probem opening the link above (the calculating function is not included).

a。。。。。。。。v**For USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory page, please click here
。。(You can enter food items such "orange" and it will lead you to find nutritional information.)

。。。。。。。。。  。。。< After Delivery (Lactation Period) >

The food that the mother eats when her baby only drinks mother’s milk is very important for the child.  The key nutrients to pay attention to are nearly the same as those during pregnancy.  During lactation, when a quantity of milk is being produced, a proportionately high caloric intake is necessary.  Women who did not gain much weight during pregnancy, or who have a low body weight, need to consume even more calories.  During the first half year of producing milk, the mother should get 40% more protein than when she was not pregnant or during the rest of the lactation period.  Also, the proper intake of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and DHA (or linolenic acid) will ensure the child’s healthy growth.


Please refer to the items below for methods of coping with symptoms that commonly occur during pregnancy.

。。。。。。。。。。。...。。。。。- Early Pregnancy -

I think there are many people who feel like they cannot even think of eating due to morning sickness.  Those who experience frequent vomiting should focus on hydration.  The following 4 tips are helpful for relieving morning sickness symptoms, even if just a little.
①    Avoid an empty stomach: ..Gastric acid and low blood sugar make it easy for morning sickness to occur.  Dividing meals into several small meals will put something in your stomach as well as maintain an appropriate blood sugar level.
②    Keeping food beside your bed:
..It appears that for some women eating soon after waking up effectively reduces the severity of morning sickness.  Foods that are not too moist such as crackers or bread are good choices.
③    To the extent that you can, select healthy foods that contain essential nutrients from the foods that you can eat:
..Many people feel able to eat foods if they are acidic or cold.  Such foods include onigiri (rice balls), sushi, zousui (a type of rice gruel), zaru soba (buckwheat noodles served cold), soumen (thin, wheat noodles), sandwiches, crackers, cereal, dried fruit, vegetable juice, miso soup, Japanese casserole, cold tofu, pickles, daikon, and agar agar.  Being unable to eat foods like soy milk, dark green leafy vegetables, or beans is not uncommon.  So do not force yourself, but rather eat them in a form that appeals to you when you are feeling well (for example, rather than eating the leafy vegetable komatsuna by dipping it in soy sauce, you can find a way of eating it that you can enjoy, like in a miso or soymilk soup).
④    Avoid beverages at the same time as eating:
..This has been found effective for some people.

。。。。。。。。。。。..。。。- Latter half of pregnancy -

People who must restrict their weight gain (who are more than 7kg above their appropriate weight) should be careful of eating too many fats and simple carbohydrates (starch and sugar).  In that case, you should eat lots of vegetables and fruits, which are complex carbohydrates, and get plenty of fiber.  Constipation often occurs due to the influence of both hormonal increases and iron supplements.  Make sure to receive lots of fiber and fluids, and commit to doing some moderate exercise such as walking.  Heartburn is another condition that commonly occurs during pregnancy.  You need to be aware of the following 5 points.
①    In order to avoid feelings of pain after eating a filling meal, try dividing meals into several small servings.
②    Do not lie down soon after eating.
③    Aim to do some light exercise such as walking after meals.
④    Avoid fatty or very acidic foods, as well as carbonated beverages.
。。Eat slowly.

避けます。。。。。。。。。。。。。 〜   〜   〜

* The next Q & A will be important tips for raising babies and children on vegetarian or vegan diets.
* Dr. Nakamoto launched a blog

Dr. Keiko Nakamoto
Graduated from the University of Tsukuba in Japan with a degree in Agriculture and Forestry; Loma Linda University (Master of Public Health (MPH) in Public Health Nutrition program); Kagawa Education Institute of Nutrition (PhD, Nutrition Sciences). Currently works at Research & Development Office at San-iku Foods Company in Chiba prefecture, Japan

。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Text translation by Sarah Justeson
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。...。Chart translation by Pauline Chu
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Photos of the mother & the baby
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。..by Mike Larson
