
ジーン・バウアーさん パート2 / Mr. Gene Baur Part 2

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ジーン・バウアー氏 ロングインタビュー

Part 2




2 ジーン・バウアー氏にインタビュー つづき



一番嬉しかったことは、カリフォルニアのプロポジション2(食肉用子牛、出産する豚、産卵するニワ トリの密閉ケージの禁止に関する住民投票)の可決ですね。これは本当に大きな意義ある達成でした。またレスキューした個々の動物達が回復して、癒されて行くのを見ることはとても感動します。例えば、オピーという弱って立ち上がれなくなった子牛をレスキューしましたが、オピーはそのとき生き残れるチャンスは非常に少なかったのです。でも徐々に回復して、ついに立ち上がり、そして楽しく遊び始めたとき、それは本当に感動的な瞬間でした。そして、人々がそういう事実を見て、自分自身の選択がそういった食肉用子牛の悲惨な状況を招いていることを学びます。それが人々の選択に変化をもたらすのを見ることも、また、とてもインスパイアリングです。


お話しくださってありがとうございます。私が子供のときは、学校給食で牛乳が出るのに、牛をどこにも見なかったのです。それで、突然、牛はどこ! と思いまして、自転車に乗って、探しに行きました。そうしましたら、牛小屋を発見しまして、その小屋に牛が三頭並んで立っているのが見えました。でもまわりに牧草もなくて建物が並んでいるだけ。それを見て家に帰って聞いたのです。親が正直に「あの牛たちはあそこから動かない」と教えてくれまして、 「そんなのはウソだ」と言い張りました(笑)。子供にとって受け付けられないことだったのですね。


そうですね、まず子供達は、畜産動物も個々の感情を持つ生き物だということを理解する必要があります。そういう意味では牛もニワトリも豚も、犬や猫と同じで、敬意と思いやりを持って接してもらいたいと思っていることを理解することです。もし、子供達がファーム・サンクチュアリーのようなところに来れて、こうした動物たちに実際会って知ることが出来たら、それはとても良い方法のひとつですね。なぜなら、私は、子供達と動物達の間にはある自然なつながりがあると思うからです。そして、これは難しいことを私は理解しておりますが、「動物を食べなければいけない」という考えにチャレンジする必要があります。子供達 は「動物を食べなければいけない」と言われて育ちますし、子供達もそのことについてあまり考えません。ですので、子供に畜産動物の福祉を教えるためには、 その親御さんがどう考えるかが重要になってくるのです。普通とされている食べ方より、ちゃんと道理にかなう食べ方を教えることは、親御さんにかかっている と言えるでしょう。ですので、畜産動物福祉は親御さんにもわかるように説明して、理想的にはヴィーガンで育てることを奨励します。または少なくとも動物で出来た食品をそれほど食べなくてもよく、新鮮で破壊されていないまるごとの植物由来の食べ物を学んで選ぶことが大切です。









夢ですか・・・それは、私たちが人道的で思いやりがあり、健康でいられる方法で暮らしていることです。動物たちを搾取して製品として見ることをやめ、人間を含めた動物すべてに対して敬意と良識を持って接する生き方です。私はそれはわれわれすべてにとって良い事だと思っています。それに、わたしたちの国を支配している強欲と飽食はなくなる必要があります。飽食は誰にとってもよくないですし、心臓病で亡くなる傾向のある大食家にとってもよくないですね。ですので、夢は、「ベストの自分自身」、私はこれが本質だと思いますが、そのベストの自分の価値が一貫して通っていることです。私は人間という生き物が、本質的に意地が悪く残酷な存在だとは思っていません。暴力的とも思っていません。わたしたちは本質的に悪い資質よりも十分に良い資質を備えていると思います。ほとんどの人々は残酷でありたくはないのです。だから私たちは今、自分達の価値に一貫した生き方を始めていますし、それによって意味をなす世界を見はじめ るでしょう。でも、それにはわたしたちが立ち上がって発言し、自分達が苦慮していることを表現し、自分たちの気持ちを表現出来ると思えることが必要なのです。自分を卑しめたりやる気をなくしたりするかわりにです。自分たちの良心と考慮していることを追求しないときに、悪い事が起きるからです。そしてそれはいろんな意味において今日私たちがいる場所なのです。


人々が現実を見たくなかったりする理由のひとつは、人間がいくぶん密閉された環境にいて、あまり広く考えられないような場所にいるということだと思います。 ですから、もし動物に何が起こっているかを見たら大変なショックを受けることでしょう。アメリカで起こったことは、たぶん日本でも起こり得ると思いますが、工場式畜産農場で動物がどのように醜く扱われているか、ビデオドキュメントされたことです。そして動物がどんな状況に置かれているか消費者に情報を提供すれば、恐らく消費者はそれが間違っていて許されないことだと思うでしょう。消費者はもっと情報に基づいた選択が出来ますし、このようなシステムをサポートしない選択も出来ます。それは、植物由来の食品をもっと購入するということです。人々に知らせることは大切ですし、そうすれば選択をして変化をもたらすことが出来ます。問題とその解決法を認識して、人々が選ぶことを促せば、ポジティブな方向へ進むでしょう。







(注:ジェイミー・オリバー氏はテレビ放送にて、観客の前でニワトリを人道的と言われる方法で屠殺しました。実際に自分の食品がどのように殺されるのかを見せるために。 参考記事:ニューヨーク・タイムズテレグラフUK




なるほど。それと人間は動物に対しての固定観念がありますね。人間にとって有益ならば、その命 はどんな使い方をしても構わないという。ある動物実験の本で、ウサギの目を使って人間の人工瞳をつくる実験について読みました。それが成功すれば、人間の目のために、大量のウサギ達が育てられることになるという話です。いったいどこまで行けばいいのかという、恐ろしい話だと思いましたが、その話を普段とても優しい人に話しましたところ、「それは素晴らしいアイデアだわ!」と言いました。びっくりしましたが、人間の脳が優れているとすれば他の人道的な方法を考えるべきだと思いました。

それがまさに大きな壁なのです。人間と他の動物は違うとしましょう。人間は他の動物達と違います。でも猫は犬と違い、人は他の人と違います。ということは違うからと言って、違うものを傷つけてもよいという話にはなりません。これが苦しみについてや、または残虐性になってくると、誰もそんな目に会うべきではないですし、誰もそんな対象にされるべきでないでしょう。それもまさに不必要な方法で、です。工場式畜産農場は利潤のためだけにこのような苦しみと残虐性を与えています。他に理由はないんです。命は製品化のためのものだけです。そしてその巨大システムは動物を傷つけ、地球を傷つけ、消費者を傷つけ、農民を傷つけ、地球上の人々とコミュニティーを傷つけているのです。そしてこのシステムは本当に全く長所がないんです。そのシステムを運営する人は、ある場合は人に親切な人であったりもします。親切な人はこういうこともありえます。たとえば、ナチスのメンバーの中には家族に思いやりを持って接する人もいたはずです。 でも他の人には悪い事が出来るのです。残虐性を広めて行くかわりに、そういった思いやりを広げて行くべきなのです。そこに残虐性がある場合、残念ながらそれは広がっていく傾向にあり、正当化され、合理化されてしまいます。人間は自分の行動を正当化する能力が極めて発達しています。でも、私はこう思うのです。 人間は本質的にエモーショナルな生き物で、本当は感情的な理由で振る舞っていても、あとでそれに理由をつけ正当化するのです。なので、私たちは悪いことをすると、とくに多少居心地が悪くなると、現実的に正当化しようと駆り立てられてきます。そこに目的を見つけます。どうしてかと言えば、自分たちが残虐で卑劣とは思いたくないからです。ほとんどの人々は自分たちを非人道的だとは思いたくないのです。でも動物製品を食べることに関しては、私たちは通常非人道的です。ということは、私たちが信じたいこと、どんな人間と自分を見なしたいか、自分自身は本当はどんな人間なのかということの間で食い違って来てしまいます。ですので私たちは正当化します。「私たちはこれをやリ続けます、理由があるから、伝統があるから、当然そうすべきだから」と言いながら。












3 バック・トゥー・ホーム Back to home






ピー プル・バーン(ヒトの納屋)というところでまずツアーの手続きをして、ある程度人数がまとまるまでその広いバーンの中でファーム・サンクチュアリーの成り立ちや工場式畜産農業で製品化される動物達の状況を学ぶ。座ってその映画を見ていると、知らず知らずに涙があふれてくる。子供達もそばに座って見ているのでかなり恥ずかしい。そのあと、皆のあとをついて、草原をわたり様々な動物たちを訪れる。



そのあと、次々とレスキューされてここで回復してきた大使たちにお目にかかる。高山にしか生息しないマウンテンゴートもいた。珍しい動物を買いあさり、その後鎖でつないだまま世話をしなかった人間のところからレスキューされてきたのだそうだ。高い場所は裏返したバケツの上だったが、そこに凛と立っ て、周りをちゃんと監視していた。




人間の歴史で語られるのは戦争の繰り返しだけれど、平和な個人が集まっても戦争を止めることは難しい。でも、多くの消費者が市場の動物食品を買わない選択をすることは、動物たちに直接インパクトを与えることが出来る。バウアー氏はそうレクチャーでも語っていた。このインタビューを行ったあと、動物達を差別して搾取するのが普通のわたしたちの世界では、戦争はいっこうになくならないのではないかと思った。なぜなら、構造的な暴力が普通であれば、戦争はその現れだからだ。またそれが一度始まれば残虐なことを止めるのは難しい上にエスカレートしてゆく。そういう性質のものだと思う。インタビューとレクチャーで、何度も繰り返し「bad has become normal 悪い事が普通になってしまった」とおっしゃっていた。悪い事と良い事、彼が使うこの二つの言葉はアメリカ人としてではなく、子供にもわかる基本的なこととして述べている。のんびり暮す牛の優しい目はわたしたちが素直に大切と感じていることを思い出させてくれる。そして、暴力と残虐性が普通であってはならないことも。











オピーは背丈183センチ、1トンの体重になるまですくすくと成長しました。ファーム・サンクチュアリーを訪れオピーに会うとはじめは皆さんびっくりしますが、すぐにオピーの心の暖かさがその体のように大きいということに気がつきます。誰もオピーのように人々を感動させることは出来ませんでした。その優しさ、暖かさ、そしてみんなからの愛情を受け入れるオピーは人々にたくさんのことを気づかせる動物界の大使でした。そしてオピーの物語はアクティビストとメディアの報道を通し、ダウナー牛(弱って立ち上がれない牛)を守る法制定(Animal Protection Act in the U.S. Congress in 1992)にも大きな影響を与えました。





















マヤへ さようなら/バウアー氏のブログより


マヤの話は私の本「Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds about Animals and Food(ファーム・サンクチュアリー:動物と食べ物について考えと心を変えよう)」のセクション「マヤ」に書いた。




Special thanks to Mr. Gene Baur,
Ms. Natalie Bowman, and Ms. Erin Howard,
of Farm Sanctuary for their generous cooperation.

写真提供 (with logo): ファーム・サンクチュアリー
インタビュー: 水口政美/渡邊こずえ (CFT)
文/訳文/写真(without logo):水口政美 (CFT)

Farm Sanctuaryへのご寄付ご協力をされたい方はどうぞこちらからお願いします

CFTでは、ファーム・サンクチュアリーでのドキュメンタリー映画をバウアー氏の協力を得て、企画しております。「あしたへの選択」を応援して下さっている読者の皆さま、ぜひ、この映画も応援してください。仮タイトルは当サイトのセクション名のひとつ「So Happy!」です。

Photo by Farm Sanctuary

So Happy!のセクションで

ファーム・サンクチュアリー ホームページ

ウォーク・フォー・ファームアニマルズ 2009


電話番号 1-607-583-2225

*カリフォルニアシェルター  / オーランド



Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts & Minds About Animals & Food

Daring Dash Around Queens Lands Renegade Cow at New York Shelter

Vote YES on California Prop 2 - Gene Baur

Celebrities speak up for the animals!

「テレビ番組ラリー・キングのトークショーにてバウアーさんがゲスト出演 パート1」
Gene Baur on Larry King Live, 1991 - part 1

「テレビ番組ラリー・キングのトークショーにてバウアーさんがゲスト出演 パート2」
Gene Baur on Larry King Live, 1991 - part 2

Lancaster Stockyards: Then and Now

Life Behind Bars by Mary Tyler Moor

Investigate & Explore two very different world through Farm Sanctuary's Virtual Experience

See for Yourself - one of the largest egg laying operations in California

The Foie Gras Assembly Line

... CFTのCourageにてどうぞご署名をお願い致します。


Mr. Gene Baur
President and Co-Founder

Farm Sanctuary

Part 2

The very youngest residents at Farm Sanctuary,
Fiona and Jack!
(Excerpt from the website of Farm Sanctuary)

Rescued from certain death on a factory hog farm along with another small piglet,
Fiona had endured much abuse by the time she came to Farm Sanctuary
at just under two weeks of age, as she had already been cruelly tail-docked
without anesthesia and ripped from her mother’s side
to be primed for the commercial food chain. (read more...)

Standing just over a foot high and weighing about 10 pounds, Jack is barely bigger
than a large rooster; but the amount of love this tiny goat has to share is immeasurable.
To think that little Jack was once abandoned and left to die in a stockyard stall
is nearly unimaginable. (read more...)

Interview with Mr. Gene Baur - Continued

Could you share with us episodes of your hardest moments as an activist and how you overcame them, along with, perhaps, the best rewards?

Well some of the hardest moments have to do with seeing bad things that you can’t do anything about.  The way you overcome those moments is by just focusing on not becoming overwhelmed and by not letting the moment defeat you, but instead recognize that there are some things that we can’t do anything about.  By just accepting that reluctantly and moving forward we are doing things that we can achieve.  In terms of the biggest victory, Proposition 2 in California was the one of the biggest ones for us.  Also, rescuing certain individual animals and watching them recover and heal – for example, a downed calf like Opie who had very little chance of survival.  Watching him recover and then stand and eventually start to enjoy playing, that was a very inspiring time.  Getting to see the change that occurs in people when they learn about these facts and begin to recognize that their own behavior contributes to the problem is also inspiring.

Mr. Baur and Opie


Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us. 
When I was a child, I didn’t see any cows around us even though milk was served during school lunch.  Then suddenly my mind began to form a question, “Where are cows?”  So I went out of my town by bicycle and I finally found cows.  They were standing still in a very small barn and there was no grass around what so ever.  The only thing I could see around the barn was building.  I came home and asked my mother about the cows that I just saw.  She told me honestly, “Those cows do not move from there.”   I insisted that what she told me was a lie.  (Laugh)  To a child, that kind of thing was unacceptable.

What do you think could be the best approach to educate children about animal welfare in our society today?

I think children need to recognize that farm animals are individuals with feelings.  Cows, chickens and pigs are just like cats and dogs and want to be treated with respect and compassion.  I think it’s nice for children to come and visit places like Farm Sanctuary and get to know the animals, because I think there is a certain natural connection between children and animals.  I think that it’s tough but we need to challenge this notion that we have to eat animals.  Children grow up being told to eat animals so they really don't think much about it.  I think a lot of this comes down to the parents.  Trying to teach children good habits makes more sense instead of teaching children habits that become the norm.  Part of the learning process is up to children, but a lot of it is up to the parents.  We try to reach parents and encourage them to raise their children as vegans (ideally), or at least in a way that they are not eating a whole lot of animal products.  This way they are learning about whole foods, fresh foods and mainly plant-based foods.

The single most important thing that can help animals is just not to eat them.

Do you have any words for the children who want to be vegetarian or vegan although their parents are not?

To those children, I would like to say, “You can be a vegan and you can be healthy.  Just talk to other people in the community or other friends who share your understanding about animals and concern for animals.”  You know it is so hard to feel isolated.  It is important to connect to people who share your concerns and values.

Where does your tolerance to convey these issues to people and to fight cruelty for over two decades come from?

What compels me to do it?  It’s the right thing to do.  I’ve seen all kinds of abuse and it is completely unacceptable and needs to change.  I started to work for this because I didn't want to accept things as they are.  As I continue having the same feeling that things need to change I just keep doing it.

You’ve seen really awful stuff at feedlots and slaughterhouses.  Those things may make you feel sometimes…

Well, there is the tendency, perhaps, to despair sometimes, but that is not productive and I recognize that.  I’m pretty disciplined by not letting the bad things become overwhelming.  I recognize that bad things are going on and I reluctantly accept them, but then I try to focus my time and energy on things, which will have positive impacts.  There is a prayer, I think the serenity prayer that says, “Give me the strength to change the things that I can, the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”   I try to remember these words and figure out where I can make a difference.

Could you please tell us if you have any dreams for the next generations?

Well, the dream would be that we live in a humane, compassionate and healthy way; that we stop seeing other animals as commodities to be exploited, and that we treat all animals, including people, with respect and decency.  I think doing this would be good for everybody.  I think the greed and gluttony that is dominating much of our country needs to go away.  Gluttony is not good for anybody, especially as gluttons tend to die from heart attacks.

The dream would basically be to live in a way that consistent with our best selves, which I believe is in our natures.  I don't think human beings are inherently mean, cruel beings.  I don’t think we are inherently violent.  I think we naturally are more good than bad and that most of us don’t want to be cruel.  I think that if we start to live in a way consistent with our own values that we are going to start seeing a world that makes sense.  People need to feel like that they can stand up and speak out and express their concerns feelings, rather than feeling demeaned and discouraged.  Bad things happen when we do not pursue things consistent with our concerns.  In many ways this is why we are where we are today.

In Japanese modern food culture, which includes plenty of meat products, it seems that people are not informed about the realities of farm factories at all.  What would you suggest as an effective approach to triggering peoples’ understanding about the connection between their food and the realities of animal cruelty in the production process?

Well, I think people are somewhat confined and tend to think narrow-mindedly, perhaps because they would rather not look at the reality.  If they did, people would be shocked to see what happens to animals.  The way Farm Sanctuary started in this country could also happen in Japan.  There needs to be documentation of the animals being treated badly on these factory farms, and that means getting videotape and documentation of their conditions and providing the information to consumers so that they are aware of what’s happening.  If they saw the truth consumers would probably think that what is happening is wrong and that it should not be allowed, so then they would start to make choices that are more informed and hopefully they would decide not to support those systems by buying vegetables instead of animal products.  So I think oftentimes problems exist simply because people are not informed.  They need to be aware that they can make choices, which will make difference.  By becoming aware of problems and the possible solutions people can be encouraged to make choices that lead to a positive direction.

Farm factories relate to every issue that we have in the modern world…

Yes, factory farming is a greater contributor to global warming than the entire transportation industry worldwide.  Industrialized animal agriculture contributes to significant environmental and human health problems on our planet.  In addition to billions and billions of farm animals suffering unnecessarily, people who are working in that industry who are behaving violently and cruelly are becoming hardened and calloused.  It is that sort of callousness and violence, which tends to spread to lead to more violence.  Indeed, what we do to other animals says a lot about who we are as people and it creates the world we live in.  It is a cornerstone of viewpoints.  If we can change this one thing I think serious improvements could happen in our modern world.

That’s right, it also relates to the world hunger as the human population is growing.

That’s right.  The amount of resources that is required to produce animal food, compared to produce plant food, is huge.  Growing plants instead of animals is far more efficient and we could feed many more people on the planet if we would just eat plants instead of animals. (*In order to produce food and create pastures for farms forests and the Amazon have been destroyed, and it has also contributed to the hastening the speed of extinction for certain animals.)

I was listening to an interview with Jamie Oliver on public radio.   He is a star chef from England and started to introduce the evils of battery cages to the general public...

(*Ref. Article:  New York Times / Telegraph UK)

I think he started showing the conditions to people on television, which I think is both good and bad.  It's good because people are seeing it, so hopefully when they will recognize what it means and decide that they don’t want to support it.  However, one of the other challenges is that sometimes people can become desensitized and just accept that things are bad.  So, it can go both ways.  Unfortunately on today’s farms bad has become normal and people have unfortunately tended to go along with bad things, as has been done so many times in history.  Think about the holocaust - people were doing very bad things that other people just went along with.  When bad things occurred during wars many people were involved in perpetrating unspeakable acts to others.  Human beings have an amazing capacity to do good and also to do bad. 

We know that Jamie Oliver is doing something bad by raising and killing animals, however my main concern is that such cruelty and killing will be normalized and institutionalized.  Once again, this is an example of how bad is considered to be normal and acceptable.  So that’s my concern about it.  Yes, that’s the risk.  There needs to be a voice saying that this is inhumane, not just one saying, “this is what we do, this is what we are supposed to do” and allows assumptions to continue unchallenged. Those assumptions must be challenged and questioned.

He was saying that the McDonald’s in Britain are much better than McDonald’s here.

Well McDonald’s in England and the treatment of animals in England maybe better than the treatment of animals in America, but that still does not mean that the treatment of animals in England is good.  It’s like comparing one bad system with one worse system - neither system is good.  So often times what ends up happening is, for example between England and the U.S., simply saying that English is better leads to an assumption that England is good.  However, no, it’s not good.  The position of challenging this assumption must be articulated.

It seems like human beings have the fixed mentality that we can use other animals as long as it will be useful to people.  I told one very nice person about one of the experiments that rabbits were used for - developing irises for human beings.  The person who I spoke to said, “Oh that’s great!” and I was shocked.  But, if a human's brain is so advanced, then we should be able to develop in humane ways.

This is the big wall that exists between us and those who believe that humans and other animals are different.  Humans are different than other animals but cats are different than dogs and people are different from another people, so being different does not mean we should cause harm.  When it comes to suffering and cruelty nobody should be made to face that, nobody should be subjected to it - especially in unnecessary ways.  When it comes to farm animals it’s all about profit.  There is no other reason.  It’s just a commoditized life.  The system is harming animals, the earth, consumers, farmers, and other people in the world and community.  The system really has no redeeming values.  I mean people that do it are kind people in some cases, just like I am sure some of the Nazis are nice to their families, but they are still doing bad things to other people.  We need for that kind of kindness to spread instead of cruelty.  When there is cruelty, there is tendency for it to spread and, unfortunately, for bad things to be justified and rationalized.  Human beings have such a capacity for rationalizing behavior.  I think we are essentially emotional animals and we do things for emotional reasons and then we try to rationalize and justify them later.  So, if we do something that we know is wrong then we naturally feel a little uncomfortable about it and have a strong incentive to rationalize the guilt away.  The purpose for rationalization is so that we don’t see ourselves as cruel and mean.  Most of people don't like to see themselves as inhumane.  However, our actions are generally inhumane when it comes to eating animal products so there is this inconsistency between what we want to believe, how we want to see ourselves and who we really are.  So we rationalize because of that reason, because it is our tradition and because we are supposed to.

We are not aware of our speciesism.

That’s right, speciesism is a form of prejudice and discrimination.  Even within different animal species, cats and dogs are pets, cows and pigs are food, there is a kind of prejudice and discriminatory behavior that comes from it.  But, as you know, cows, pigs, chickens and other farm animals have feelings and suffer just like cats and dogs.  It does not have to be that way.

That’s right.  Workers on farm factories also suffer.

I would love to see a whole shift in food production away from these industrial factory farms towards small sustainable plant farms.  I think a lot of people currently working for factory farms would be interested in maybe having a couple of acres land that they could farm on their own.  Then we could see a shift to a different kind of diversified family farming type of system.  This would be my ideal situation.  I agree that a lot of times people who work in these factory farms are exploited just like animals and treated very badly.  They don’t have the “let-go” economic power to get out of it, at least not as individuals.  If it is a collective group they could have a lot of power, just like consumers who band together could have a lot of power if we just start to consume in a way that is consistent to our own values and our own interests.  But, we are not, and that is essentially funding and supporting a system that is killing both us and the animals on our planet.

Each consumer has choices to make and make many choices everyday about what to eat, how to spend their money, and even what food production system they support.  As you know, buying factory farms products also supports the abuse of workers in some of those factory farms.

When we consume, we cannot avoid making choices.  So that means we can’t live without making choices daily which affect the earth and ourselves.  It states how important it is to choose not only for ourselves but also for our future.  We should start doing what we can do now.

Thank you so much for sharing each of your thoughts.  Oh! This is really the last question (smile).

Is there any plan for you to appear on "The Daily Show?"
That would be really great!

That would be nice, I would like that.  I think he is great, and I would love to be on that show.  I would love to talk to him.

Speaking at a book store in Manhattan

Returning Home

After our interview Mr. Baur proceeded to give a two-hour lecture and then spent time speaking one-on-one with his supporters.  Finally he returned home where he could relax with all of his friends back at the farm.

Farm Sanctuary is the kind of place in which one feels immediately at home, even on the first visit.  The farm provides thoroughly clean spaces for the animals to sleep and play and there is an abundant amount of laughter and joy among the facility and its staff.  Perhaps the relaxed atmosphere grows out of the security of knowing that at least on this farm there is no chance of encountering acts of cruelty.

A visitor at the entrance of Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen

Gift Shop in PEOPLE BARN

Visitors to Farm Sanctuary first gather together in the “People’s Barn” to register for the farm tour.  When I was there everyone waited together in the barn until a large group had formed, then we all sat down to watch a movie about the finding of Farm Sanctuary and the realities of the conditions forced upon animals who exist to be processed for commercial use in farm factories.  While I was watching the movie tears began to stream down my face, which was embarrassing since there were children in the audience.

After the film I followed the rest of the visitors out of the barn and across a meadow to visit with some of the animal residents.  We saw one cow sunbathing on the grass.  The staff told us that she liked people and that it would be ok to get close to her.  She met my eyes and I saw that hers were gentle and framed with adorable lashes.  I stroked her head that was warm from the sun and was topped with a tuft of hair waiving in the breeze.

With Gotti

We continued to meet one rescued animal after another.  One of the other animals we saw was a mountain goat who normally only lives at extremely high elevations.  He was rescued after being found chained up by his former owner – a man who derived sick pleasure from capturing rare animals and then not providing them with any care.  At Farm Sanctuary the highest place for him to go to was the top of a overturned bucket, but in a dignified manner he stood on top of it and keenly watched over his surroundings from that vantage point.

We also met another goat on the farm named Simon.  In typical goat behavior he came running out towards us as soon as the barn door was opened.  The knowledgeable staff members happily share each animal’s name, character, and history with the visitors.  While observing their carefree lifestyle at Farm Sanctuary it is impossible to discern that these animals once endured unimaginable suffering.

Simon smiles.
(He's mid-section is so round that a farm staff member jokingly asked if he'd swallowed a basket ball!)

The cows barn gets nice summer breeze.

Human history can be told in a repetition of wars and, as history tells us, they may not be stopped no matter how many people come together in the name of peace.  However, as Mr. Baur explained in his lecture, in the case of industrial farm factories consumers can make a huge impact on the lives of animals by simply choosing not to purchase any animal by-products.  After interviewing Mr. Baur I felt that as long as this world continues to view animal discrimination and exploitation as normal behavior, then it is impossible to hope that our human world will ever be at peace.  Wars can only occur in a world where violence is systematically rationalized.  Once violence is allowed to start, it is hard to be stopped like wars and even escalates the intensity.  That's the nature of it.

In both his interview and lecture, Mr. Baur repeatedly stated, “Bad has become normal”.  It should be noted that this simple phrase is not one that is used to express a general American point of view, but Mr. Baur uses it so that even the smallest child can understand its meaning.  When I recall the peaceful eyes of the cow I met languishing in the grass back on the farm, I am reminded of what is fundamentally important, and most of all that violence and cruelty should by no means be considered “normal”. 

It is essential to know the reality that animals face.  Once the truth is known it is impossible to ignore their screams for help.

We humans are blessed with so much during our lifetimes.  From the time we are born many of us receive from our families, country, and culture.  Nature and the animals who share this Earth also give us many things.  It is my hope that we can widely return the blessings, which we have received.  The words which Mr. Baur expressed helped give me the courage to do this.

In Loving Memory
Opie:  Farm Sanctuary Mourns Loss of Founding Resident
“Opie” is the name of the calf Mr. Baur rescued when he was a young activist. 
Opie grew to become a strong adult and lived happily at Farm Sanctuary
until he passed away last year at the age of 18.

Cincinnati Freedom: A Farm Sanctuary Legend
The cow named “Cinci Freedom” who earned his name from
jumping the fence of a slaughterhouse and running for freedom passed away
at the age of 6 earlier this year.

In Loving Memory
Farm Sanctuary Bids Farewell to Maya: Our Beloved Cattle Herd Matriarch

“Goodbye Maya” from Gene Baur’s blog

Special thanks to Mr. Gene Baur,
Ms. Natalie Bowman, and Ms. Erin Howard,
of Farm Sanctuary for their generous cooperation.

CFT would also like to thank the devoted staff,
and animal ambassadors of Farm Sanctuary, past and present,
who have inspired many of us.

Photos with logo: Courtesy of Farm Sanctuary

English Proof-reading / Rewriting translation by Kelly Nixon

CFT appreciates the hard work of our dear friend Kelly!

Interviewed by
Masami Mizuguchi and Kozue Watanabe / CFT
Translated, written and photos without logo by Masami Mizuguchi / CFT

For the donation to Farm Sanctuary, please click here!  Thank you.

We at CFT are scheduled to make a documentary film about the animals at Farm Sanctuary thanks to Mr. Baur's kind cooperation.  We deeply appreciate the support from each of you to make this film happen.

Photo by Farm Sanctuary
The story of Carolyn the hen will be introduced
in the section 'So Happy!'

Farm Sanctuary Home Page

Rescue Stories

Walk for Farm Animals 2009
2009 Locations

Visitor’s Information
*New York Shelter - Watkins Glen

Tour Times:
The New York Shelter is open to visitors from May 1 until October 31 with the following tour schedule:

Guided tours are held Saturday and Sunday on the hour. The first tour is at 11 a.m. and the last tour is at 3 p.m.

Guided tours are held Wednesday through Sunday on the hour. The first tour is at 11 a.m. and the last tour is at 3 p.m. 
Please call 1-607-583-2225 to find details, holidays and group tour (10 people or more).

Travel and Directions
B&B Info
Wedding & Events
Events Calendar

*California Shelter - Orland

Please call 1-607-583-2225 to find details, holidays and group tour.
Travel and Directions
Country Cabin
Wedding & Events
Events Calendar

Reference Videos:
(Please note that the following videos contain images of animal suffering.)

Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts & Minds About Animals & Food

Daring Dash Around Queens Lands Renegade Cow at New York Shelter

Vote YES on California Prop 2 - Gene Baur

Celebrities speak up for the animals!

Gene Baur on Larry King Live, 1991 - part 1

Gene Baur on Larry King Live, 1991 - part 2

Lancaster Stockyards: Then and Now

Life Behind Bars by Mary Tyler Moor

Investigate & Explore two very different world through Farm Sanctuary's Virtual Experience

See for Yourself - one of the largest egg laying operations in California

The Foie Gras Assembly Line

....Please sign the petitions at CFT's Courage.
